Crafting for Kindness

Once upon a time (which is another way of confessing that I have been LONG remiss in writing this post), I received a gift in the mail.


This gift came as a complete surprise.


It meant that someone was actually reading my blog. As in, reading THIS POST.


It meant that someone took time to make something especially for me. Something that she knew I liked.


She made something for me “just because.” It meant a lot to me because all of last year was just unnervingly stressful. And then I get this “just because” gift in the mail.

Then, this week, I was reading THIS POST on Beautifully Rooted in which Jami says:

i think generally, we save crafting for happy times and forget the power that handmade, meaningful gifts have during times of deep devastation or pain. in the case of grief, we often times feel awkward towards that person, when really, that person needs us to press in. maybe not in a huge way. maybe they need you to press in, but in a smaller way? the point is that we are saying, i see your pain. i feel it. and i care.

So, as I was wearing my beautiful “just because” gift from Sara today, I was asking God to show me where I might use my crafting to show someone I care. Just because.

P.S. I dearly love Sara and Laura who both give of their amazing talents so generously. Thank you, girls, for being you!

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Melinda said,

    Oh! I LOVE those!

    (Is that enough to get someone to make me some? 😉

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