Archive for January 7, 2011

What’s Your Style?

I’ve been thinking lately of clarifying (for myself) my crafting “style.” There are so many wonderful techniques and skills to learn. And I want to keep learning. Yet, I think I would benefit from developing a focus, a schemata on which to hang any new techniques I learn along the way.

My initial plan is to start collecting images of thematic elements that greatly appeal to me and see what I find, what ends up really “speaking” to me. I would guess that they would include fibers (embroidery, crocheting, sewing, etc.), nature (vines, flowers), Scripture…what else? It will be interesting to see if my “style” turns out to have unexpected elements….

In no way do I see this as a restricting exercise, but more of a freeing experience. Have you defined your style? Did you do it deliberately? How have you incorporated new techniques into your “style”?

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